Friday, February 17, 2012

Next Market: March 8,9,10!

March dates and hours go like this:

March 8th Thursday 12 -6
March 9th Friday  12-6
March 19th Saturday 10-6  

And guess what? Lots of our cool new neighbors will be open too! Art Crawl attenders got sneak peeks of some wonderful shops that have moved to Banbury. Here's your next chance to see all that's new in Building 13. The Market's goal from day one has been to partner with artists and locally owned businesses in order to provide a monthly "Farmer's Market" for art, creativity, and other delights. And it's happening! Here are just a couple of the new places to check out when you come to The Market...

The Better Life Cafe at the top of the stairs is cozy, intimate, friendly and fun. AND, their food and drink is fresh, delicious, and irresistable - I'm looking at you, cannoli...

Sandy's Studio Sandy (of Sandy's Attic fame) has a wonderful studio in Suite #121 open on Fridays from 12 - 6. Expect to see fashion forward Spring apparel as well as art, gifts, and accessories.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Art Lovers, Your Mothership Is Arriving...

Banbury Building 13 will be all abuzz and exciting at the
 Banbury Art Crawl 
February 3rd and 4th this Friday and Saturday! 
Hours are Friday 3pm - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

This is the event that got me (Susan) into Building 13 for the first time and I've never looked back. Years ago, the crawl was the brainchild of Eau Claire's own stained glass artist and Fairy Godmother of the Arts Laurie Bieze.  The atmosphere during the Art Crawl is cheerful, welcoming and completely inspiring! Every visitor is granted instant insider status as studio doors open wide to each attender. The glass, painting, sculpture, oh my goodness it's like a mini renaissance of the soul on every floor. Honestly, there's nothing like walking down a hallway discovering an open studio door and catching a glimpse of the colors, shapes, and treasures waiting within. Yes, lots of artwork will be for sale but even if you're feeling poor as a church mouse, you will leave feeling full and fed and dazzled by creativity. Of course, The Market will be open! Come say "Hi" to Susan and Lisa and see what's new (hint: there is a lot). The Banbury Art Crawl is a kid friendly event (just keep your eye on them if you stop in for the free wine tasting at Infinity Beverages) and Susan is working on a free gift for the first 50 kids who stop by The Market! The Banbury Art Crawl has an amazingly informative website you can access at  See you there! xo Susan